TODAY is Day of the Child in Tetuan

The traditional Fiesta del Niño is clebrated TODAY.This celebration is taking place one more year faithful to its popularity and theme.The whole 3km of the calle de Bravo Murillo will host  the this year’s edition. In total more than one hundred ( > 100) for the children.In true style and faithful to this blog’s message, the activies are FREE.The event is expected to receive about 200.000 madrileños(People from Madrid) and others.
The celebration of the day of the child has converted into a classic of the the parties of children in Madrid.This fiesta which first took place in 1982, just as a neighbourhood activity, today constitutes  in one of the most popular and anticipated events by children,apart from Los Reyes of course.

IMPORTANT NOTIE FOR AUTOMOTIVE OWNERS: Calle Bravo Murillo will be cut off to traffic from the glorieta of Cuatro Caminos until  plaza de Castilla. Continue reading